Monday, October 30, 2006

30 October 2006 - "Monrail! Mono...doh!" - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

"Kuala Lumpor's monorail was due to open early 2003, but was delayed when part of the monorail fell to the ground during a trial run." (from my Lonely Planet guidebook). Maybe Lyle Lanley sold Kuala Lumpur their monorail as well as Springfield, hilarious - I keep singing the Simpson's monorail song in my head.

Anyway, I woke up and headed over to the Petronas towers to try to get tickets for today while Scott and Rachael slept in (the bunk bed was really noisy and neither of them slept well). The tickets to go in the towers are free, however, there are only 800 given out each day, so you have to get there early and line up. Unfortunately, the towers are closed to tourists on Mondays, so we will aim for tomorrow.

Got back to the hostel and Scott and Rachael were still sleeping, so I headed to an internet cafe. Do kids not go to school here?!?!?! The cafe was filled with 12 old boys (so, yes, I fit right in, Gautam) playing video games on the computer with the sound sooo loud!! I couldn't handle it, so I went back to the hostel and paid the extra 2 ringgits there ($.50) for some quiet internet.

Scott and Rachael got up and we went to grab some breakfast. Of course at 11:30 am, everything was just serving lunch, so we went back to our hostel and ate the breakfast there because they served until noon. Sadly, there was one girl making the food and of course all the backpackers came for breakfast about the same time before noon, so the poor girl couldn't keep up and our food took 5 years!! And that was just mine and Rachael's. Besides all the ants that were cooked into my fried eggs, breakfast was pretty decent. Scott's food didn't come after an hour, so we finally decided to just move on.

We walked to the Malaysian tourist center and then went to a shopping mall looking for a digital SLR camera that Scott wanted. The mall was really hard to navigate and there was so many aisles, we weren't sure which aisles we had gone down or not. Everywhere, however, the camera was more expensive here than in Singapore, so after walking for what seemed like forever, we took the monorail back to our place in China town.

We then decided after 2 days of Asian food and small portions (yep, we are spoiled brats), that we wanted some crap, so we went to TGI Friday's for dinner here in Malaysia. It was the saddest thing ever how these Malaysians have to pretend to be American at TGI's and sing the stupid American birthday songs. Scott got sick from the food at TGI's, how ironic that it was the American food that made him sick and not any of the native foods that we have been eating. Then we pretty much got back to the hostel and crashed.


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